Acne, Scaring, Pigmentation and General skin conditions

Acne and Scaring

Acne and scaring from acne can occur at any age and can be hard to manage and at times extremely debilitating for people.

We have multiple ways to help improve both active acne and scaring from previous acne.

It is important to manage active acne and bring this under control before dealing with scaring, however we can help and advise you at whatever stage of your acne journey you are at.

You may also have scaring from other skin conditions or trauma, and many of the same treatment principles apply to these types of scars as well. If you are not sure if you skin concern is something we can treat, touch base with us or book a consult- we would love to hear from you.

Pigmentation and General skin conditions

We assess, diagnose and manage a number of skin concerns.

Common cosmetic skin concerns may include hyperpigmentation (darker areas/ spots), melasma, dull looking skin, moles, skin tags, general sun damage, poor skin elasticity etc. Medical skin concerns we commonly deal with commonly include acne, rosacea, psoriasis and eczema.

As a doctor led clinic we are able to utilise a combination of both in clinic treatments and prescription medications to reach the best outcome possible.

There is something in our toolkit for most common skin concerns, do you have a concern that we haven't listed? Come and talk to us about it!